Performance & Metrics


Your Guide to: Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing can be summed up fairly succinctly: purchasing space for paid ads on search engines as a way of driving traffic to your website. However, our SEM team does so much more than simply buying ads.  Every member of the SimplePart...
Monthly Performance Snapshot & Reporting
We offer an extensive library of research and reporting tools that range from Gross Profit by Month to Conversion Rates Since Inception . These reports can help you determine where you might want to improve and help manage future changes. When ...
Reading Control Panel Reports
Whether you are looking for information on how much you sold last month or what category of products is the most profitable, SimplePart has you covered.
Update to Control Panel Reports New
We're releasing  an update to the Control Panel Reports page to make it easier to use. Reports are now organized into clear categories and subcategories, with a menu and dropdown options to navigate, and a search bar to find relevant reports. New...